Thursday, March 25, 2010

Second day with my blog

It feels great having an own space to express yourself and say what you think. Today I couldn't wait to come and type some words on my blog, not caring if anyone reads them or not. I just write. I let my hands flow with the keyboard under them and I start to get used to it, and then by the time I'm finished, I realize I've written a bunch of words. A bunch of words, and I also wonder who I'm writing them for, not because I care if anyone does, but because if someone does, then I would want to want to know what things crossed their mind while reading them.  But this is what it is. Having a blog. I know you might be thinking "Okay. She's a freak."  But I'm not!...not too much. Just kidding. I'm just a little, you know.  Anyway, I'm starting to like this whole thing, so don't be surprised if you see five posts a day or something. I'm just... enjoying it. And something else; I promise this will be my last post about me blogging. I know IF anyone's seen my blog, they're probably wondering if it's about blogging... but it's not. Ok, that's enough. Wait for my next post in... a few minutes.


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